Oral SurgeryWhen you are told that you need oral surgery, you’ll probably not be too happy about the news. And that’s okay – we understand that the prospect of oral surgery can be intimidating, and it is something you’d rather avoid if at all possible. With that said, it may help to think about this from the positive side. If you are going to undergo oral surgery, that means something is wrong in your mouth, and it has probably been causing you discomfort. By having surgery and addressing the problem, you should be able to move forward from this issue and look forward to a more comfortable future.

In this post, we are going to discuss some of the many causes of oral surgery1. If you’ve been dealing with some pain and you suspect that something is wrong regarding your oral health, please contact Spokane Dental right away for assistance. We’ll be happy to schedule an appointment and address any concerns you may have.

Severe Tooth Damage

It is typically preferred to repair a damaged tooth, when possible. However, there are some cases where the tooth is simply too damaged to be repaired, and oral surgery to remove the tooth is the only viable option. Even if the tooth is not destroyed beyond repair, it still might wind up being the best choice to decide on an extraction. In making the decision on whether or not to extract a tooth, it is important to work closely with your dentist to form a plan. Obviously, the dentist will be able to offer an expert opinion, and you’ll be able to ask questions and provide your own input on what you feel is the best choice for your needs.

Poorly Positioned Teeth

Sometimes, teeth don’t come in exactly where they are meant to be. When it’s just a tooth that is just slightly out of position, it might not be necessary to take any dental action. However, if the tooth is badly out of position, there may be a need to extract it in order to improve conditions for the rest of your teeth. Third molars are often a candidate for this kind of extraction, as they can cause problems for either the second molars or the cheek. Also, it’s tough to clean all the way in the back of your mouth, which makes the area more likely to develop tooth decay problems.

Preparing for Orthodontic Care

If you are going to receive orthodontic treatment, it’s possible that one or more of your teeth will need to be extracted in advance in order to make room. The tooth or teeth to be extracted will be carefully selected in order to maximize the benefit and improve your chances of success with your orthodontic care. Of course, a tooth extraction is nothing to take lightly, so it’s worth thinking through your whole treatment picture before deciding how to proceed.

Significant Gum Disease

Most of the time, gum disease2 does not wind up leading to oral surgery. In serious cases, however, it is possible that enough damage will be done to the tooth to warrant an extraction. Often, this is the case when the tooth starts to move around significantly in the mouth. When the tooth becomes loose as a result of gum disease, it’s possible that so much bone loss has taken place that there will be no other viable option aside from oral surgery.

When Root Canal Doesn’t Work

In some cases, it just isn’t possible to perform a root canal. If your tooth is not a good candidate for a root canal3, the other option on the table is to have the tooth extracted. It would be nice to avoid this outcome, of course, but that isn’t always possible. Your dentist will carefully analyze your situation before deciding whether or not a root canal can be used to treat the tooth.

Not the First Option

Stepping away from the list of causes, we’d like to talk for a moment about how oral surgery is not going to be the first option we turn to when you seek treatment at Spokane Dental. Yes, oral surgery is going to be the right option for some patients and some situations. But you can think of this treatment as the last stop along the progression of care. Before we turn to the option of oral surgery, we are first going to explore other forms of less-invasive treatment. It may get to the point of oral surgery being the best choice, but rest assured that we aren’t going to hurry you into that decision. We want you to keep all of your teeth, and we’ll present you with various treatment options to make that a reality.

As you may know, extracting a tooth from its position in your mouth has the potential to lead to other complications. For instance, the teeth surrounding the one which is extracted are likely to shift to some degree, meaning your bite is going to change. That may not cause any negative issues, but it could in some cases. Just like with any other kind of surgery, complications are always a risk and should not be taken lightly. When we do decide on oral surgery, we’ll cover all of the benefits and drawbacks associated with the surgery plan, and we’ll make sure to answer all of your questions. No matter what kind of treatment is chosen in the end, we want you to feel fully confident in the plan, and fully informed as to what we will be doing.

Surgery – oral or otherwise – is nothing to take lightly. You don’t want to have any surgery performed that isn’t necessary, which is why getting care from an experienced and knowledgeable dentist is important. We’ll make sure oral surgery is actually the right remedy for your situation before we move forward. Thank you for taking the time to visit our blog, and we hope to see you soon in our office.


  1. https://www.spokanedental.com/Content/Page/Oral-Surgery
  2. https://www.spokanedental.com/Content/Page/Periodontal-Gum-Disease-Treatment
  3. https://www.spokanedental.com/Content/Page/Endodontics-Root-Canals