Root Canal TreatmentA root canal is not only a procedure in a dental office, but an actual part of the anatomy of a tooth. The root canal is the cavity inside the tooth that houses the nerve. A root canal procedure as most know it is the cleaning out of that space in an infected tooth. When a cavity or infection reaches the nerve of a tooth, it can be very painful for a patient. Dr. Smith performs root canals in the office, and with certain cases requiring more extensive treatment he refers to an endodontist that specializes in root canal therapy. Wondering if that sore tooth or gum area may need a root canal? Here are the four signs you may need one:

1. Pain With Pressure

If you notice tooth pain when you are eating or put pressure on an area, it may be a sign that the tooth is infected. This pain can become quite severe, so it is important to schedule a visit when you notice it.

2. Discoloration

If you notice a tooth darkening in color, it may be a sign that the very interior of the tooth (the root canal) is infected.

3. Lasting Temperature Sensitivity

Sensitivity to cold water or beverages that goes away quickly is common and usually harmless. Strong, painful sensitivity to hot or cold that does not dissipate quickly can be an indicator that you may need a root canal.

4. Gum Changes

Swelling around a certain tooth, or a spot on the gums that looks like a pimple or is draining can be a sign of infection called an abscess, where the infection spreads through the roots of the tooth and into the bone surrounding it.

Don’t Wait

All of these signs could be symptoms of a serious infection that needs to be treated promptly. It is important to schedule an appointment right away for Dr. Smith to examine the area, and it is always better to treat things early instead of waiting for the problem to become worse and compromise other teeth or your general health.

Dr. Smith can treat the infection and perform the root canal in the comfort of our office. X-rays show the extent and location of the problem, and Dr. Smith numbs the patient to ensure they don’t feel pain and are comfortable. After the appointment, the patient is well on their way to a healthy, pain free mouth!

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, do not hesitate to call and schedule and appointment. Dr. Smith not only performs root canals, but treats the whole family with teeth cleaning, exams, fillings, and even implants. Call us today at (509)822-5614 to schedule an appointment.