Pediatric Dental Care

Is this your child’s first dental visit? If so, then you may want to read on. You will learn exactly what to do to help prepare your child for their first dental appointment.

For a child, a visit to the dentist may seem like a daunting task. Especially when they may have heard some things that are simply untrue. We will discuss those things specifically in a moment.

These tips will show you how you can make a child become more comfortable with every dental visit. Granted, you may be starting them a little later on in their childhood. For that reason, there may be challenges that present themselves.

But not to worry, we will show you how to overcome them and more. Spokane Dental, your Spokane, WA dentist shares their tips on what steps you can take to make your child’s visit to the dentist an enjoyable one. Let’s dive in:

1. The Earlier Their Age, The Better

If you have a child that is between the age of six months to a year old, that’s a good age to get them in for their first dental appointment. That’s because it will allow the dentist to monitor your child’s dental development. A pediatric dentist in Huntington Beach says that your child's first visit to the dentist should be an enjoyable one. Children aren't born afraid of the dentist but can fear the unknown. Explain what the dentist does and your dentist should also make things easy and comfortable as they can for your child to help them feel welcome and safe at the dentist office.

The earlier your child visits the dentist, the more comfortable they will be with it as they get older. But what if your child is older than this recommended age? No need to worry, it’s never too late to get them in regardless of age.

But your Spokane, WA dentist will want to make sure that good oral hygiene with your child starts as soon as possible regardless if they are six months or six years old.

2. Have them visit the dentist before the appointment

If your child is older and has never been to a dentist, then it’s important to have them go to a ‘getting to know you’ appointment before the initial examination happens. This will give your child the opportunity to meet the dentist and have a basic understanding of how things work.

The dentist will explain to them in basic details how a dental examination works. They will also teach them the importance of dental hygiene and how it will benefit them as they get older. A dentist won’t need to use such terms like drill or anything that make any kind of dental visitation seem intimidating to a kid.

A tour of the dental office and meeting some of the staff like the hygienists and receptionists might be a good idea as well.

3. Roleplay with your child

This is a good activity to do. Children love using their imagination and you should play out certain situations with your child. For example, you can pretend that you are a dentist and the child is your patient.

Pretend to do an examination such as checking their teeth, cleaning them, and all the basics that go along with it. This will mentally prepare your child to know what to expect at the dentist.

During their appointment, they’ll know exactly what happens from start to finish. It’s better for them to know about what a usual dental visit will entail rather than let them guess and be nervous at the same time.

4. Bring a stuffed animal or a comfort item just in case

Indeed, a visit to the dentist can be unsettling. Any dentist in Spokane, WA will understand this. For children, bringing a stuffed animal or some kind of comfort item with them will be a go-to option if they are feeling uneasy.

Granted, they will be calm and comfortable when they have a ‘friend’ along for the appointment. Many pediatric dentists often know what to do to ensure that their patients are comfortable throughout the appointment.

5. Let them know that this is a regular thing

It is always a good idea to teach your child and help them understand basic dental hygiene. Let them know that a visit to the dentist is a regular thing. Have them think of it like a usual visit to the doctor.

When they visit a doctor for a regular check-up, it’s normal to ensure that the child is healthy. It’s the same with the dentist, but it focuses more on dental health and what can be done if something goes wrong. Let them know that the dentist is there to help them live a healthy life from now and well into their adult years.

6. Find a way to reward them after the appointment

Remember when you were a kid and you got rewarded for a good visit to the dentist? After the visit, you had a reward like a sticker or even a tooth brushing kit? Why not do the same thing for your child?

They love rewards when they do something good like a successful dental visit. A special prize can be anything that you think your child will like. It can even be a visit to the ice cream shop, a new toy, or something you know your child might like.

As long as they are well-behaved, rewarding them will be enough motivation for them to repeat the habit. Being rewarded for a good deed will make anyone young or old feel good about themselves. Don’t forget, you were a kid once upon a time so you know exactly what we are talking about here. Final Thoughts

Your Spokane, WA dentist understands that your child’s first dental visit may be intimidating for them. That’s why it is important to help them prepare for it using the six tips above. The more prepared they are, the more comfortable they will be from the beginning to end of the appointment.

Spokane Dental will make sure that your child will be as comfortable as possible during their visit. Even if it’s their first visit, we will make them feel welcome and look forward to their next appointment. Contact us today to set up an appointment for your child today. Our office number is 509-822-5614.