Spokane DentistThis time of the year is so delicious: pumpkin spice donuts from Greenbluff, caramel apples, fall pies, and ALL the candy. Your Spokane Dental team is right alongside you joining in the fall celebrations, and have some simple tips to keep teeth healthy as we head into Halloween.

1. Don’t Graze

Your saliva has protective factors that can help prevent bacteria, and enamel is a hard, protective layer on the crown of the tooth. However, none of your natural protective barriers against cavities or bad bacteria stand a chance if they are under constant attack. When it comes to candy eating, it is better to eat a whole bunch in one sitting than a whole bunch spread throughout the day.

The bacteria in your mouth thrive on sugar and simple carbohydrates. This tooth-damaging bacteria forms colonies on your teeth (what we all know as plaque), and essentially lives off of the sugar that you eat. This may sound like a scary Halloween story but we promise it’s true: the waste or excrement that the bacteria produce after feasting on the leftover sugar on your teeth is so acidic that it breaks down enamel, causing cavities.

The longer that you eat sugar throughout the day, the longer your teeth are under attack. Pro Tip: Eat candy or a treat in one sitting, preferably after a meal.

2. Drink Water After A Treat

Coffee, soda, and energy drinks are acidic and often times loaded with sugar. Acidic food and drinks can weaken the outer surface of teeth as well, making them susceptible to cavities. Water is neutral, meaning not acidic (or basic), so is safe for your teeth. Drinking water also helps rinse off any excess food or sugar on your teeth after a meal. Pro Tip: Switch out your tooth-compromising drinks like soda or energy drinks for water.

3. Choose Better (for your teeth) Candy

We already touched on the fact that teeth with prolonged exposure to sugar throughout the day is dangerous to oral health. For candy, the same rules apply when it comes to choosing between ultra sticky treats or not so sticky. Think about eating a milk dud compared to an M&M: a milk dud is hard to chew and sticks to your teeth long after you are done eating. An M&M is easy to chew, and doesn’t leave a sticky mess on your teeth. And would we even be allowed to call ourselves a dental office if we didn’t say don’t chew the jawbreakers? Pro Tip: Choose candy that is less sticky and doesn’t leave a sugary residue long after it’s gone.

This Halloween, enjoy all the treats and don’t worry about your teeth with our healthy Halloween tips. As always, with any dental need we are here for you. Don’t hesitate to call our friendly office staff at (509)822-5614.