4 Services

At Spokane Dental, we do so much more for our patients than just clean and fill teeth. Our goal is to help our patients achieve optimal health, and there are some ways we do that you may not even realize! Here are four services you may not have known Spokane Dental Provides:

1. Cancer Screening.

During every exam and appointment Dr. Smith and your hygienist checks the soft tissue in your mouth for any abnormalities. This means every six months our patients receive a free cancer screening by a dental professional. We know early detection is key, so we provide oral cancer screenings at every appointment.

2. A Whole New Smile

Did you know that if you are unhappy with your smile, there is often something we can do to help? We provide whitening as well as ways to “fix” your smile, such as implants and solutions to crowding or gaps. All you have to do is ask.

3. Whole New Teeth

Missing a tooth? Dr. Smith can help! He places implants, which are essentially prosthetic teeth. A “root” in the shape of a screw is placed in your jaw bone, which grows around it like a normal tooth. Then, a crown is placed on the top in the shape and color that best matches your smile. Implants are the gold standard for preserving natural bone, which helps keep the other teeth surrounding it maintain healthy bone levels as well.

4. High Tech Imaging

Dr. Smith uses high tech imagery that allows him to see the entire upper and lower jaw, all of the roots and crowns of teeth, blood vessels, and Temporomandibular Joints. This provides better diagnostic tools, and even aids as a 3D image for planning and placing implants.