Restorative Dentistry

Restorative dentistry refers to any dental procedure that focuses on restoring or replacing damaged oral structures. This can involve bridges, implants, and fillings, among other services. But restorative dentistry doesn't at all cover aesthetic operations such as veneers or teeth whitening. Saving teeth while also restoring the natural feel, shape, and appearance of natural teeth is the aim of restorative dentistry.

Who Qualifies for a Restorative Dentistry Procedure?

If teeth are broken, weak, or missing, dental restorative may be essential to restore their health and functionality. Here are some of the more typical reasons a dental professional would suggest a certain dental restorative to a patient.

• The dental structure that is damaged

Different things might happen when a tooth's structure is damaged. It might be used to denote a loose tooth, but it's most frequently used to describe teeth that are broken or worn down. A dental restoration tries to strengthen the tooth's structure or cover any weak or damaged parts. Dental crowns, onlays, as well as inlays, are often used as restorations to fix a broken tooth. The biting surface of such a tooth is covered by all options. While inlays simply cover a piece of the tooth, dental crowns completely encircle the tooth.

• Decayed teeth

A dental filling is also known as a dental restoration. This is because a dental filling, one of the most common types of a dental restorative, aims to address enamel erosion problems. When microorganisms or food particles produce an acidic reaction that dissolves the minerals in tooth enamel, tooth decay can result. As a result, the enamel is weakened and finally lost. Minor tooth decay can be treated with a dental filling, but bigger cavities and cavities that are near the tooth's base may require an inlay or a root canal.

• Teeth missing

The replacement of missing teeth is viewed as a type of dental repair by the best Spokane dentists. Patients who need a dental repair are those who have one or more lost teeth. A dental implant is one of the most common methods of dental repair for tooth replacement. A single missing tooth or a whole row of missing teeth can be replaced with one or more dental implants to improve the patient's smile's beauty, health, and functionality.

• Chips and stains

Although certain procedures in restorative dentistry can have cosmetic advantages, the main goal of restorative dentistry is to improve the patient's oral health. Dental veneers are a beautiful thin coating of material that is tooth-colored and bonds over the exposed surface of teeth. These can be applied to teeth to correct small flaws like chips, stains, and cracks, particularly on teeth that are more noticeable on the front side of the mouth.

What are the different kinds of restorative dentistry?


Undoubtedly, the most frequent restorative dental operation is this one. Cavities are caused by germs penetrating a tooth's enamel, the hard outer covering, and must be filled to save the delicate pulp inside. The best Spokane dentist will remove the decayed area of the tooth during a cavity-filling operation and then replace the gap using a composite material that matches the shade of your tooth. By using this filling, the tooth won't become more infected by the germs.

Dental Crowns

Above the gum line, a tooth is covered by a crown (cap). Whenever the natural tooth is too worn to be fixed with a filling, it is frequently utilized. The tooth can be sealed with a crown, preventing further damage. To accommodate the crown, the best Spokane dentist must modify the natural tooth. The crown may be created from a material that complements the teeth, gold, or any other substance. Its form matches that of your natural tooth. The crown is cemented into place once the dentist in Spokane, Dr. Jonathan Smith at Spokane Dental, has fitted it over the tooth. Crowns can occasionally get loosened or degrade over time. They could need to be replaced or re-cemented.

The Dental Implant

A dental implant can replace a lost tooth or one that needs to be pulled owing to serious decay or destruction. A dental implant is a fully functional prosthetic tooth as well as a root system. The implanted root is comprised of titanium, which is a biocompatible metal that forms a strong link with the jawbone. A crown is added to the top of the root after it has been surgically implanted in the jaw. Because the whole implant appears and acts exactly like teeth, it is regarded as the greatest tooth replacement choice. Dental implants may also be used to secure bridges or dentures.


A bridge serves as a tooth replacement. The new tooth and a crown on either side are typically its components. For the crowns to support the new tooth, all three components are bonded together. The teeth on each side of the broken tooth are initially shaped by the dentist in Spokane. To support the new tooth, the crowns are then fitted over the prepared teeth. Multiple replacement teeth can occasionally be seen in a bridge. If a bridge's crowns become loose or wear out, they may require further cementing or replacement.


Dentures are a replacement choice if you do not have sufficient healthy teeth in your mouth to operate normally. Dentures often include a full arch of teeth. Suction or adhesives can be used to secure removable dentures to the gums. Snap-on dentures sometimes referred to as implant-supported dentures, are secured in the mouth by a few dental implants.

The Inlays and Onlays Restoration

Smaller regions of damaged or missing tooth structures can be repaired using inlays and onlays, which are partial tooth-colored or gold replacements. These indirect restorative materials are a little less invasive than crowns. So, Spokane dentist laboratory personnel fix the problems outside of the mouth.


Many dental conditions can benefit from restorative dentistry, but it's crucial to be fully educated before scheduling any such procedures. To understand what to anticipate and to make the best decision for your circumstances, be sure to have a detailed discussion with your Spokane dentist about your choices. Additionally, you should confirm that your insurance policies cover any probable operations. This will assist you in preventing any unexpected costs from future surgeries that were considered elective rather than restorative. The greatest approach to avoid pain is to plan for your dentistry services by conducting research and talking with your dentist.