Dental Care at Home

Maintaining a dental home care routine is crucial for a healthy smile and overall well-being. While regular visits to Spokane Dental are essential, it's equally important to practice proper dental care at home. In this blog post, your team at Spokane Dental will provide you with valuable insights and practical tips to help you care for your teeth effectively between dental appointments. By incorporating these habits into your daily routine, you can enhance your oral health and keep your smile radiant.

Brushing Techniques:

Brushing your teeth twice a day forms the foundation of a good oral care routine. However, simply brushing is not enough; proper technique is key. Here are some tips to ensure effective brushing:

a) Use a soft-bristle toothbrush: Hard bristles can damage your tooth enamel and gums, so opt for a soft-bristle brush. Replace your toothbrush every three to four months or when the bristles become frayed.

b) Two minutes of thorough brushing: Brush your teeth for at least two minutes, devoting equal attention to each section of your mouth (hint: break your mouth up into 4 quadrants: upper right, upper left, lower right and lower left, and spend 30 seconds in each). Don't forget to clean your tongue as well, as it harbors bacteria that contribute to bad breath. You can clean your tongue with a tongue scraper.

c) Gentle, circular motions: Instead of harsh scrubbing, use gentle circular motions to clean your teeth. Angle the brush towards the gum line at a 45-degree angle to remove plaque effectively.

Flossing and Interdental Cleaning:

Brushing alone cannot reach the tight spaces between your teeth. To maintain optimal oral health, flossing and interdental cleaning are crucial steps:

a) Daily flossing: Flossing helps remove plaque and food particles from areas that your toothbrush cannot reach. Make it a habit to floss once a day, ideally before bedtime. Use a gentle back-and-forth motion, forming a "C" shape around the tooth to ensure thorough cleaning.

b) Interdental brushes or floss picks: If traditional flossing is challenging, consider using interdental brushes or floss picks. These tools can be particularly helpful for individuals with braces, bridges, or wider gaps between their teeth.

Mouthwash and Fluoride:

Using mouthwash and fluoride-based products can provide additional protection against cavities and gum disease:

a) Antiseptic mouthwash: Rinse with an antiseptic mouthwash after brushing and flossing to reduce bacteria and freshen your breath. However, remember that mouthwash should not replace brushing or flossing and does not remove plaque from the teeth (only mechanical removal via a toothbrush or floss can do that!).

b) Fluoride or Hydroxyapatite toothpaste: Look for toothpaste that contains fluoride, as it strengthens enamel and helps prevent tooth decay. Ensure you use the appropriate amount of toothpaste (pea-sized) and spit out after brushing. Another great option for strengthening enamel is Hydroxyapatite toothpaste.

Healthy Diet for Healthy Teeth:

A balanced diet is not only beneficial for your overall health but also for your dental well-being. Incorporate these dietary habits for optimal oral care:

a) Limit sugary and acidic foods: Sugary and acidic foods promote bacterial growth and tooth erosion. Minimize your consumption of sugary snacks, carbonated beverages, and acidic fruits. If consumed, rinse your mouth with water afterward.

b) Choose tooth-friendly foods: Opt for tooth-friendly foods such as fresh fruits, vegetables, dairy products, and lean proteins. These foods promote saliva production, which helps neutralize acid and protect teeth.

Stay Hydrated and Quit Smoking:

a) Drink plenty of water: Staying hydrated is essential for oral health. Water washes away food particles, stimulates saliva production, and maintains moisture in the mouth, reducing the risk of cavities and bad breath.

b) Quit smoking: Smoking not only stains your teeth but also increases the risk of gum disease, tooth loss, and oral cancer. If you smoke, consider quitting to improve your overall dental health.

With consistent and proper dental care at home, you can significantly improve your oral health. By implementing the tips mentioned above, you'll be taking proactive steps towards a healthier smile. Remember, in addition to your at-home routine, regular check-ups and cleanings at Spokane Dental are essential to ensure comprehensive dental care. Take control of your dental health today and enjoy the benefits of a beautiful, confident smile for years to come. Call us today to schedule an appointment at (509)822-5614.