Root Canals Extractions

Welcome to Spokane Dental, your trusted family dentist in Spokane, WA. We are dedicated to providing exceptional dental care that addresses all your oral health needs. In this blog post, we will focus on two common dental procedures – root canals and tooth extractions. Our experienced team at Spokane Dental is equipped with the latest technology and expertise to ensure a comfortable and successful treatment outcome. Read on to learn more about our approach to root canals and extractions and why you can trust us with your dental needs.

Understanding Root Canals

At Spokane Dental, we understand that the thought of a root canal may cause some anxiety. However, we want to reassure you that our compassionate team and advanced techniques make the procedure as painless as possible. A root canal becomes necessary when the pulp of a tooth becomes infected or inflamed, often due to deep decay, cracks, or trauma.

The Spokane Dental Approach to Root Canals

When you visit Spokane Dental for a root canal, Dr. Jonathan Smith and his skilled team will ensure your utmost comfort throughout the process. We use state-of-the-art technology, such as cone beam imaging, to accurately diagnose and plan the treatment. Our dedicated team will carefully remove the infected pulp, clean the root canal thoroughly, and seal it to prevent any further infection. With our expertise and precision, we can save your natural tooth and restore its function and appearance.

Expert Tooth Extractions

Sometimes, a tooth extraction becomes necessary when a tooth is severely damaged, infected, or crowding other teeth. At Spokane Dental, we prioritize your oral health and will explore all options to save your natural tooth before considering extraction. However, in cases where extraction is the best course of action, you can trust our experienced team to perform the procedure with utmost care and precision.

Personalized Care for Tooth Extractions

When you come in for a tooth extraction at Spokane Dental, we begin by thoroughly evaluating your dental health and discussing your treatment options. Our team understands that extractions can be challenging, so we take steps to ensure your comfort at every stage of the process. We use gentle techniques and advanced anesthesia to minimize any discomfort. Following the extraction, we will provide you with aftercare instructions to promote proper healing and prevent complications.

Why Choose Spokane Dental for Root Canals and Extractions?

1. Experienced professionals: Our highly skilled team, led by Dr. Jonathan Smith, has years of experience in performing root canals and extractions. We stay up to date with the latest techniques and advancements in dentistry to provide you with the best possible care.

2. State-of-the-art technology: At Spokane Dental, we invest in advanced technology, such as cone beam imaging, to ensure precise diagnoses and treatment planning for root canals and extractions. This technology allows us to deliver efficient and effective treatment outcomes.

3. Compassionate and personalized care: We prioritize your comfort and well-being throughout your visit to Spokane Dental. Our friendly team will answer all your questions, explain the procedure, and address any concerns you may have. We want you to feel confident and relaxed during your dental treatment.

If you are experiencing dental pain, suspect you may need a root canal or tooth extraction, or are simply due for a check-up, schedule an appointment with Spokane Dental today. Our team is here to provide you with the highest quality dental care in a welcoming and comfortable environment. Contact us at 509-822-5614 or visit us online to learn more about our services and book an appointment.


At Spokane Dental, we are committed to delivering exceptional dental care that prioritizes your comfort and oral health. Our expertise in root canals and extractions, coupled with advanced technology, ensures that you receive the best possible treatment outcomes. Trust our experienced team to address all your dental needs, whether it's a root canal, tooth extraction, or routine check-up. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and experience the superior care at Spokane Dental.